Saturday, March 14, 2009

3+1 makes 4

Well.....we are adding one to our family.

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. The tech said everything looks good the baby is about an inch in length which is right on track for a due date of Oct. 17th.

I know it is hard to tell but the head is on the right and the bum is on the left.

Heart rate is good at 174 beats a minute.

We are very excited for our new little one. Mom has been sick again but is hanging in there. Love you all.


Carolyn and Mark said...

Congrats!!! It will be so much fun and Caleb will enjoy having a brother or sister. I hope you feel better soon.

Nicole said...

congratulations, so happy for you guys! i predict gir, i'm calling it right now :) i'm glad you're telling... i didn't know how long i could keep it a secret :) :) :)

Eliza said...

I'm looking forward to having a new neice or nephew. I hope you feel better soon, or at least will be able to get through it.

sara said...

um... I didn't see a head or a "bum". Are you sure that isn't your kidney?

Kim said...

That is such good news! Congratulations!!!

Noah's blog said...

Congratulations!! Hope all is going well with you.