Friday, November 14, 2008

Fun Camping

Our Trip to Byrce Canyon....I know that I am a little late in posting this but better late than never right. It was back in August, before Dwain started his fall semester.

We had a lot of fun. We went on hikes and saw some of the best country side. This is a picture of Caleb and Mom smelling the Pine trees. They smell like vanilla. Fun!

We were able to stay in the park so we would wake up and go hiking and then come back to the site and take a nap, yep Mom, Dad, and Caleb we all took naps it was great.

Some fun pictures of Caleb...he had such a fun time running free.

We went to see the Mammouth caves...they were pretty cool...I thought just a little scary considering that there could be animals hiding in there.

It was a fun trip...we will go back someday.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Caleb's Halloween Costume

We were trying to figure out what Caleb should we got him dressed up in the Nemo...
Then we got him dressed in the Incredibles. Deciding that the Incredibles was just a little too big we went for the Nemo. So we were going to our Ward's Trunk er Treat where we were going to meet up with Cousins Isaac, Hunter and Audrey. Okay so I would like to imput the picture of all of the cousins but everytime I try it puts it at the top and then the whole blog is messed up. So look at Eliza's blog for that picture.
It was a great time. I can't believe that it is almost November. Crazy!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Had to do it now!

Hi I was looking at my sister's blogs not that I comment on them but just to look at and she how good they are and make myself feel bad for not posting things on mine....Anyway I was looking at Eliza's and noticed that she has not added to hers in a week. So I was thinking I need to update mine before she does hers. Now that I am anywhere near the caliber that she is in the blogging world but at least I will be able to say that I posted something within the last week which she will not be able to say at least this time. So I have now posted a new post. Thank you to anyone who even looks at this because I know that I do not post things at all....maybe when I have a little more time or actually when I have a better commitment to the blogging world can I post more often.

Thanks again.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

All Sick but Dad!!

Well Caleb and myself are sick. Caleb has an ear infection and had pink eye in both eyes. He is doing much better but we just went back to the MD and he needs to switch medicine because it is not getting better in one of his ears. It was so sad to see him hurting so much. He actually fell asleep on Dwain's chest...he hasn't done that since he was 2 days old.

I was looking at how many times I post a new blog...I am averaging 1 a month. I will try to get another one up this month but seeing how it is already the 25th I would not hold your breath. Maybe one day when I have more time I will be able to write more often....that is the problem I am not sure when that day will come. Well to all who read, thank you I do appreciate you reading the little I write.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

It FinallyHappened!

I have known that something will eventually happen to my carpet to stain it....well it finally happened.
Yep you guessed it....CALEB!!!

So the other day he decided that the pitcher that has the red kool-aid is what we wanted and he climbed up to the table and pulled it down and in the process of that spilt some. Well that would have been bad but things got worse because he decided he wanted to take the pitcher down the hall. And as all kids do when they are little and things are heavy they sway the thing they are hold and in this case it was the pitcher of red kool-aid and it left little splashes everywhere from the table to the kitchen and then down the hall.

Now what do mothers do in that situation? I don't know because I was not home when it happened but Dwain grabbed the carpet cleaner immediately and starting cleaning. You would think that he would have been able to get it up because he acted so quickly....yea not so much. I got home from work and he was still working on it. They we started trying everything we could think of...oxyclean, foam cleaners, spray on cleaners....these stains were still smiling at us. So I am not thinking that the carpet is done for. But I go to the internet and look up getting out red kool-aid stains and they say to use warm dish soapy water and soak a washcloth or towel and put an iron on it. I was like yea right a iron with dish soap. We have tried the most industrious stuff and you are telling me dish soap. But anyway I was desperate at this time and so I tried it and it really works. I was amazed! So I still have more cleaning to do but it is a lot better.

So here are some pictures....and yes of course we make Caleb clean up his own messes!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fourth of July

Happy 4th of July!

We had a great day we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Coleman's. We had ribs, and hotdogs. It was a great day...enjoy the pictures.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

This was at Caleb's birthday party. We had a fun time and good cake. Caleb had his first piece of cake. It was really good.

The Colemans

Welcome to our blog. This seems like it might be fun. Just to start...we have just one son named Caleb. He just turned a year at the end of May, I will add some pictures if this works. Things are pretty good with us right now. Dwain is going to be finishing up his second summer class soon and starting another one. No breaks..just it 'er done!! That is our goal.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sister Pressure!

Hi Everyone,

So this is what happens when you have sisters that pressure you into things. When I was younger they always pressured me to cut my hair now they can get me to start a blog. I have no idea what I am doing but here goes!!